FAQs & Policies
Where should I store my apples?
Always store apples in the refrigerator, ideally at 32 degrees. To extend the shelf life of your apples, place them in a plastic bag with ventilation holes and add a damp paper towel to maintain humidity.
Is your cider pasteurized?
Pasteurization uses high heat to eliminate bacteria in food, but high temperatures can also affect taste and destroy probiotics present in cider. Rather than pasteurization, we use UV treatment, an effective, FDA-certified process of eliminating bacteria while conserving cider’s natural flavor and nutrients.
How long does cider stay fresh?
Natural yeast present in cider will cause fermentation to begin after 7 to 10 days of refrigerator storage.
Is it possible to freeze cider?
Yes! Freeze any cider you plan to keep for more than 7 days. Before placing a half gallon of cider in the freezer, remove one cup to allow for expansion.
What about freezing and re-warming donuts?
Sure! Freeze donuts this fall and enjoy them all winter long. To freeze, store donuts in a Ziploc freezer bag. To reheat, place frozen donuts on a baking sheet and bake at 375° for 8-10 minutes. You may wish to recoat the warm donuts in cinnamon & sugar.
Do you host school tours or group events?
At this time, we are unable to host school tours or group events.
What else should I know before I visit Edwards Orchard?
Thanks for asking! For the safety and health of all our guests, we have a few simple policies:
Sorry, no pets allowed, except trained service animals as defined by the ADA.
Please, no carry-in food or picnics. Dining areas are reserved for food purchased at our farm.
Edwards Orchard is a smoke-free, vape-free farm.